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Feeling Messy and Joyful

This past week we started shooting candid unpolished scenes in the studio and publishing those scenes on our social accounts which now includes tik tok. Opening up to video and exposing the unpolished scenes behind a polished "brand", ie identity, is messy and strange. Do you have tics or things that you notice on a closer inspection. I do, Peter does, and we just have to ignore them and move beyond it. One of the important things you might notice in our posts is that music is important to our studio environment and that we repeat things. Repetition of movement, process, routine, aesthetic, and design. This keeps our heart in it and defines us. Messy, ignorant, true, dedicated, strong, shy, exposed, and happy. Happy to be making and refining and designing and living life to its fullest. We hope you are all doing the same in your life as well. Let's all be messy and joyful together.

Follow us on one of our social media accounts to see the messy details: Instagram , Twitter , Facebook , Pinterest and , TikTok