Feelings Blog
Olneyville - A Neighborhood in TransitionJul 11, 2016 We love our new home in Providence and are trying to make our neighborhood, Olneyville,...

We are participating in Gallery Night ProvidenceMay 23, 2016 Feeling inspired. Please join us on June 16 from 5:00-9:00pm for Gallery Night Providence. We will be featuring our entire collection including new One of a Kind artwork. It will be...
J Schatz Open HouseMar 09, 2016 Feeling like celebrating. Please join us in celebration of our move to Providence and the...

J Schatz relocates to 46 Dike St. in Providence, RIFeb 22, 2016 Feeling Lucky to be in Rhode Island. This past few months have been wonderful. We have successfully relocated our studio to a historic mill building at 46 Dike St. in...
Dining by Di GommaOct 30, 2015 Feeling romantic. We dine under the wonderful amber glow of our Di Gomma Pendants. The...

Porcelana Uplights Transform Our HomeOct 04, 2015 Feeling the vibe. Our new Porcelana Uplights in pink and orange translucent porcelain transformed the rooms...

Spring Tableware Collection CompleteSep 18, 2015 Feeling Grateful. We completed the new Spring Tableware collection for Spring Restaurant opening soon at 3rd and Spring in downtown LA. The collection of plates, bowls, and pitchers was created...
Out Of Shape Vase SetSep 02, 2015 Feeling distorted. We were wasting a lot of material in the studio while casting our...